Evariant Insights

I designed Evariant Insights with one goal in mind: Enable hospital systems to explore their markets with deeper understanding and identify top opportunities and actions. Healthcare marketers had difficulties interpreting all the data they collected and often ran campaigns with little understanding behind them. With Evariant Insights, I combined all these sources of data into an intuitive, highly dynamic, action-driven user experience to help guide them into better understanding the campaigns they wanted to run.

  • Client :


  • Role :

    Requirements Gathering, Wireframing, Prototyping, UI/UX Design, Stakeholder/User Feedback

  • Skill :

    Sketch, Balsamiq, InVision

Evariant Insights - Pathways

I established three main personas that would use this application. Healthcare marketers that wanted to: estimate campaign budgets, increase revenue, or explore market opportunities. Instead of having the user fill out a typical form, I started with this open ended, user friendly phrase which guides the user toward what they’re interested in accomplishing. This made the user experience much more pleasant with a clear understanding of what they were doing.

Evariant Insights - Estimate ROI

I designed this screen to show the user how much return could be gained with a specific service line campaign in a market. It integrated a multitude of data sources to analyze and estimate clearly displayed metrics, channel recommendations, and demographic drivers. Through multiple rounds of user feedback, I found that some users felt unsure they could trust the data provided. I came up with a visual confidence grade that, with the help of the data science team, ran the new estimated data against historical data. This later became a feature where we could then automatically display some of the best potential opportunities to marketers when they logged in, giving them even more insights without having to know where to look.

Evariant Insights - Wireframes

I created the application in interactive wireframes for internal stakeholders.

Evariant Insights - Explore

This screen was designed for users who wanted to explore their marketplace. Here, all the data is pulled into one cleanly organized, easy to read place. The charts and map were clickable, so they could be filtered down to a more specified list of potential consumers, letting the user fully explore their market. That list could then be saved and used to create a new campaign.