Salem Joint Replacement Campaign

Salem Joint Replacement Campaign

Salem Health came to Evairant looking for help to increase patients and revenue for their nationally recognized total joint replacement surgery center. They had already been doing traditional marketing but wanted to break into digital. But they found it difficult due to the wide range of treatment options for joint replacement. How could they run different campaigns while not overlapping across multiple market segments?

  • Client :

    Salem Health

  • Role :

    Web Design, Client Feedback

  • Skill :

    Fireworks, InVision

Salem Joint Replacement Campaign

I designed a microsite that solved this problem. By running a single campaign that pointed potential patients to this website, the user would then be able to self-identify the issues they were having. This not only saved money by avoiding having to run multiple campaigns, but it also allowed us to tailor their treatment and all future marketing to their predisposition. Salem Health saw an immediate growth of new patients and web-based appointment requests as a result.

Salem Joint Replacement Campaign

Mobile version of the home screen.