Relevant and timely information is key to a physician liaison’s team success. With that in mind I designed PRM Go, a mobile application created specifically for the workflow and key needs of the always-on-the-go physician liaison. I focused on providing quick, easy, and streamlined access to the functions and data the liaisons needed most while in the field.

  • Client :


  • Role :

    Requirements Gathering, Wireframing, Prototyping, Mobile Design, UI/UX Design, Stakeholder/User Feedback

  • Skill :

    Sketch, InVision, Balsamiq


I clearly presented all of the key information a liaison requires prior to engaging with a provider, including the last activity logged. The app provided quick and easy access to all of the tasks, issues, notes, and calls/visits. This allows physician liaisons to immediately capture all of the details after a visit.

PRM Go Wireframes

Throughout the design process, I created multiple wireframes and prototypes to understand how the user would navigate through the app.